Pattern Overview

Are you sewing along? more underwear !

I joined a sew along in An's (Dutch) facebookgroup Naaien met pdfpatronen. I had allready sewn up a few panties and cami's with the new Bella Sunshine Designs patterns. I was definitely in the mood for more. My stash of scraps contains a lot more potential underwear!

My daughter got her 7th and 8th hipster, an extra cami and a bra-top this time. I got all of that from about half a yard of cotton lycra. I only had to use a plain black back panel in the second hipster.

There is a another sew along over at Bella Sunshine Designs Sewalongs starting Monday. You can put a dent in the ever growing pile of scraps we all have and you may even win some prices. Not to mention the best part: undies that fit perfectly. The sew along could not be timed better, since there is a 40% off anniversary sale on the whole BSD website now until March 1st 2019. If you missed the launch sale: here's your chance!

The overview of the sew along last week: 
Part 1: print, cut, tape, and cut fabric. make sure to blend sizes for that awesome fit.

Part 2: the Primrose Panties
I took a picture of the burrito-roll fase because that one is hard to grasp from a drawing.

An even did one better:  a clip on youtube! Her instructions are in Dutch, but you still see what's she's doing even if Dutch is not a language you understand. I also made a few pictures of the quartering of the leg hole. I learned my lesson a while ago, but I used to do it wrong when I started experimenting with bands. The key is not to lay the garment nice and flat. You have to match up the raw edges (picture on the right) to determine where the halfway point is and then split that distance in two once more. The result is shown with the yellow stars on the left picture.

Part 3: the Coraline Cami
I had made a few Coraline Cami's during the test, but I had not tried the bralette yet. So when I found a few scraps that were not high enough for the backpanel ... I checked and found they were high enough for the bralette pieces. So I gave it a try.

My daughter looked at me like I was an alien when I showed her the result.
A bra? Whatever for?
She's still a little girl and not looking for boobs anytime soon. She's in denial that there is actually something happening in the chest area. I put the "thing" in her closet anyway and found that she has been wearing it as sleeping wear. Well it's a start ...
I think I can expect requests for more of those in the not so distant future.

A few other ladies in the sewalong also blogged about their results: check out AnMarieke en Linda. You can have a look at all the creations in the group album.

With a grand total of 11 pieces of Coraline and Primrose in her underwear drawer, I think it's my turn now. I'll be making some Primroses for myself in the BSD Sewalong ;-)
See you there?

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